Tuesday, January 26, 2010

SDLconsole support

I decided to dust off the SDL wrapper for my console class to see how it's held up.  Somehow my switch to unicode support introduced a nice obscure link error that took at while to track down - project settings were correct, just needed to include sdlmain.lib now explicitly.  The wrapper was sort of half implemented and there was no useful keyboard support other than up/down/enter, so I went ahead and plugged in some basics so none of the menus are blocked.

It will need quite a bit of work to make it pretty that's for sure, but the basics are there.  Extended ascii characters in the font for one so that my grass and walls show up would be nice, and then some sort of method to expose true 32bit color support for SDL but still be able to bucket it for the console builds.  I have a couple ideas on how to have the property system automatically support this extra data without too much trouble, and then it would be a matter of just making sure there's plenty of fallbacks when the extra data in unnecessary/unwanted.

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