Tuesday, May 5, 2009

progress on the ol' roguelike

Been working on UI stuff mostly, added frivolous stuff like multi-colored strings, extended ascii character support, and more animation. You'd think it'd be completely wasted on a text-based game but it's keeping me entertained so that's really all that matters. Anyways, here's the first screenshot posted for posterity...

As you can probably see the executable is currently named aethrya, which I now think is pretty crappy for a title (and I really have no idea where it came from), but I've been too lazy to change it (and I keep telling myself it doesn't really matter until I get to the point where I want to release something anyways). According to source control the project officially started on August 12th 2007, and I've only recently picked it up again as of a couple months ago. I've spent quite a bit of time working on creating the base engine parts that are independent of the game to be made (honestly I have no clear idea what kind of game I'm actually going to make yet), which has been quite a bit of re-inventing wheels and whatnot - which has been incredibly educational.

I've been working professionally as a game developer for over six years now, and during that time I've always worked with existing engines, which means I end up taking a ton of functionality for granted without ever getting a chance to dig into the how/why. From simple stuff like templated data structures to more complex reflection systems and even garbage collections, it's been highly entertaining, educational, and a bit humbling.

I'm not sure I'll be inclined to start this sort of endeavour from scratch again in the future, but I'm definitely glad I've put the time into this effort, even if it never matures into an actual game someday - and I strongly recommend anyone with too much time on their hands to reinvent a wheel from time to time. Jeff's post at Coding Horror on this is a bit more compelling than my own: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001145.html.

Bit of irrelevant trivia - the player is currently bright red to test out the '!' for bold colors on the TextColor property importing. Exciting stuff, really!

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